Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

One HOT Mama!

I love it when my mommy feeds me. She pets my head and talks to me, which I really like (I am so spoiled). Isn't she pretty in her purple Christmas sweater? I heard Daddy say she's already back in her regular clothes, but I don't really know what that means. I DO KNOW that I'm looking cool in my comfortable Christmas pj's, and I always look good! hehehe

Check me out, Uncle Duke!

My Uncle Duke (not really, but close enough) bought me this awesome bib! It's gonna have all the chicks in daycare all over me one day. Me dad wants me to wear it when we go to Hooters so the girls will dig him, too! We'll just have to see about that. Thanks Uncle Duke!

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Mommy caught me and daddy sleeping on the couch this morning after reading our Christmas book! She took this picture instead of waking us up... Isn't she sweet?

Big Eater

Boy I just love to eat. The food here is so good, and I get to eat like every 3-4 hours! I love to eat so much, I inhale it, and often times I get a belly-ache. Here I am holding my stomach after just eating, and you can see that I now have a full tank!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of our friends and family! We hope the Lord sends his blessings upon you and your loved ones! Can you believe my parents actually put me IN a stocking to take this picture!? (but I will agree I am cute as a button)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Splish Splash

Well, I'm not a big fan of being wet yet, but I had a bath last night, and can you believe, those crazy people took a picture of me!? At least they allowed me some modesty and didn't show everyone what God gave me. I'm gonna call this pose the "Peek-a-boo Bandit"! Hahaha

Boys Club

Well me and my Daddy sure have fun talking and hanging out. We don't look that much alike (since my skin is dark like mommy), but I have his nose. I love when he comes home at lunch to eat with me! And I'm so excited to hear his voice when he gets home in the evening. I think we're gonna be best buddies!

Just Chillin'

This is me just hanging around the house, about 4 days old. I am very curious and turn my head when my mommy and daddy talk, and now I'm starting to roll over, especially when they change my diaper. Boy I hate that!


Well, we left the hospital and headed to this town my parents call "Darrow." I guess that's where we live because we spend a lot of time there now. But it's nice and cozy and they take care of me here, so I guess I'll call it home, too. Here I am on my way to Darrow. Hey, you can even see my hair now!

Saturday, December 9, 2006

HELLO Big World!

Well, I didn't really feel like hanging around until December 15th to see what this place is all about, so I decided to make an entrance a week early! I started letting mommy know about 7:00pm on Wednesday, Dec. 6 that I was ready to come on out, so by 8:00, I had broken her water and we were at the hospital. Everything happened so fast, I barely had time to say goodbye to my old home. Can you believe I was born in only 4 hours!? My official time was 12:32am on Thursday, Dec.7, and I weighed in at 7lb., 9.4 oz. and measured 20" long. (Hopefully I'll be taller than my daddy) Look how cute I am and how good my mommy looks only seconds after giving birth! Too bad you can't see my jet black hair and baby blue eyes!