Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, January 19, 2007


Well the parents are all excited lately because of what I do with my face (they call it 'smiling') when I think something is funny. Everyone goes ga-ga and says how cute I look (which I already know). I do have one problem with this picture, though. It shows my receeding hairline! Can you believe I'm losing my hair already!? Pretty soon I'll look like my daddy! My mom thinks I'm going to go bald and then grow all new hair back. Daddy hopes it will be blond (and that I keep my blue eyes). I guess time will tell!

Good Morning!

Good morning everyone! This is me right after waking up, my big eyes trying to adjust to being awake. It's even harder laying on this super comfortable pillow without dozing back off, too. But I'm pretty calm because the whole time I'm getting my diaper changed, I know that breakfast is close behind! yummy...


I love to play in my Boppy and look around. Dad snapped a shot as I was bouncing around, trying to talk to him and mommy. I don't know why they don't understand my jokes. This was the "Wassssuuuuuppppp" from the beer commercials. I love that one! hahaha

But I Don't Wanna Go...

Can you believe my parents woke me up, dressed me and then expected me to go out in the cold to go somewhere!? Boy was I upset! But I found out that we were going to Church, so I calmed myself down a bit. Of course, I started acting up again once we got there because I was hungry, so we got to sit in the back in a room called the cry room to eat. That was really cool, but I don't think the parents liked it very much. There were other kids playing in there, so they weren't able to pay attention to the guy in the robe! I guess I'll have to behave next time...

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Well things are going to be really different now that mommy goes back to work tomorrow and I go to Ms. Judy's house. Hopefully everything will go fine, but we're all kind of anxious about it all. Mommy seems excited to be going back to work (cabin fever is setting in), but is really sad to be leaving me.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Mommy and Daddy love to play with me! Sometimes they put me on my belly to play, but I really like to lay on my back and see what is going on. I was so excited to be playing with both of them the other night in my pj's that I was kicking and talking and making funny faces! This place seems really cool. I could get used to laying around playing all day long!