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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Playtime with Cousin Emma

My cousin Emma and I had Easter this weekend (because my Nanny has to work for Easter) and we had such a good time playing! She's older than me and can sit up by herself, but Mommy held me up so we could talk and play!

How Cool is THIS!?

I have the coolest toy in town now! Evidently, my parents have been hiding this thing from me, waiting for me to sit up on my own, but thought they'd let me have a test drive! HAHAHA! I love this thing and I don't want to give it up. I can't touch the ground yet, but I can reach all the buttons that make noise and light up. Look how much I love it! Does your set of wheels have cool buttons, too?

Trying SO Hard

I've been trying so hard to roll over on my belly, but the thing is so big it keeps pushing me on my back. It's really frustrating, and my Dad thinks it's funny, taking pictures and all. I'll show him really soon that I can do it!