Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, July 23, 2007

Hooray for Ms. Bonnie & Mr. James

My mommy and daddy's friends Ms. Bonnie and Mr. James just found out they're gonna have a little baby like me! I hope it's a boy, because the camp is filling up with girls real fast. Maybe we'll be best buds! Here's a picture of how excited me and Callie were when we heard the big news!

Emma's party continued

More pictures from Emma's party!

My mommy and Granny

"Hey Parker. You wanna come play?"

Playtime at the party

This thing is SO NEAT! Hello.

Too much birthday party for me...

Emma's Birthday!

My cousin Emma had her first birthday on Sunday, and lots of our friends and family were there. We sang Happy Birthday, ate cake, played in the pool and tons of other fun stuff. Here are some of the pictures...

"Happy Birthday to Emma..."

Are you taking pictures of ME!?

Uncle Trey, you want some cake?

Yeah! I'm finally ONE!

I love my MaMaw

Oh yeah...

I almost forgot to show you another cool thing from Ms. Jennie's wedding! Mr. Brett's drums were super cool. I wanted to play with it, but daddy said it was a cake and not real drums. Oh well...

Wedding Night

Not mine, silly! My daddy's friend Ms. Jennie got married on Saturday at LSU, so we all got dressed up to go. It was fun, I guess, but I was kind of bored. Until I saw this cool water thing!

Doesn't my mommy look pretty!?

My new friend

On Friday night, I made a new friend. Her name is Mazy, and she is my Mawmaw Debra and Pawpaw Ray's new doggie. She is really nice and fun to play with. But I think I wore her out after playing so much.

Hey! Come back!

Just like Tigger

Look at me...I'm just like Tigger! I can bounce, bounce, bounce and jump up and down in my new toy! (Thank you cousin Hunter) I'm having so much fun in this thing. It makes lots of noise, plays music, has toys on it. It's SO COOL!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Splishin' & a Splashin'

Well bathtime totally rocks now! I can sit up on my sponge mat all by myself and splash in the water until my parents and me are soaking wet! And I get to have toys in the bathtub with me, which is really cool. And can you believe, my parents think it is so funny that they were taking pictures!? But don't worry, they know better than to reveal anything...

Outing to the Park

Me, Mommy and Daddy went to the park last weekend and played on the swings. I love to swing, and there were a lot of other kids and babies at the park that I was looking at, talking to and laughing with. After swinging, we strolled over to the Spray-park, but since I'm still too little to play, we just watched the other kids. It looks like a lot of fun! I can't WAIT until I can play in there...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Talking...and calling "DaDa"

I've learned how to call my daddy by name so I can get his attention, but I use these words for everything right now. Here I am on the couch talking up a storm, my new favorite pastime!