Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, August 20, 2007

Almost Mobile

Lately I've been putting in lots of time towards mastering the art of crawling, but I am only up to rocking on all 4's. But you just wait, I'll be all over the place very soon...

Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed

I love to sleep in my big boy bed. It is really comfortable and my "Mikey" sleeps with me, too. And when Daddy comes in to wake me up, I get really excited to see him. I'm a pretty happy camper and a good night's rest.

My funny shirt

My cousin Hunter gave me this shirt, and everybody thinks it's really funny. I guess I will get the joke when I can read...


My cousin Emma came and spent the night at my house, and boy did we have fun! We played, read books with my mommy and daddy, took naps and had a really good time. Here are some pictures! I hope she can come over again and play sometime.

Monday, August 13, 2007

How 'Bout Them Dawgs!?

Maybe I'll be a Bulldog when I grow up like my mommy, daddy, Uncle Todd and "Auntie" Meg...

Geeeeeeeaux Tiiiiiiiigers!

You all know how much me and my daddy love the LSU Tigers, so this was fun to take! I love my cool LSU toys and this great shirt my friends gave me (Thanks Mrs. Wag and Lori). Daddy thinks I could play linebacker for LSU now, but mommy thinks I should go to LA Tech. I don't know about all that, but we'll see...

Surf's Up DUDE!

Hey guys, check me out playing in the "sand." I had so much fun in my bathing suit taking pictures, but the lady with the camera wouldn't let me just teeth on my shovel in peace. But she caught me looking cute, nonetheless! HAHA...

Friday, August 10, 2007

MORE pictures!?

My mommy and daddy are taking me some place tomorrow to take more pictures, which means they'll make me change clothes and smile at them (which I do anyway). I guess it could be fun, though. So I'll be showing off my new pics here in a few days... STAY TUNED!