Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My Favorite Show

I just love watching the "Big, Big World" on TV every morning, and every time it comes on, I clap! My daddy thought this was neat, so he said "yeah" while I clapped some more for him. Silly man...

Hey, Look What I Can Do!

I just figured out LAST NIGHT how to pull myself up to standing from sitting down. It's lots of fun, and I did it a few times last night (to the coffee table, the couch, my daddy's leg). Check me out!

My Newest Trick

I'm not really into crawling just yet, but I love to scoot around and pull myself where I want to go. And I just discovered this neat table that I can push my toys off of and go over. It's also a really fun hiding place for peek-a-boo with my mommy. My daddy says to ignore the dust bunnies, please.

Lower Bed

Well because I kneel and sit up to see things, I was too high in my bed, so my daddy dropped the mattress down, but now I can chew on it! I love my bed, and now it's lots of fun because I can see lots of stuff.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Doctor Visit

I just went to the doctor yesterday for my 9 month appointment (even though I turned 9 mos. 2 weeks ago). I love the doctors office. They have the neatest pictures on teh walls, and lots of toys and books to play with. But of course, I start to cry when the nurse with the pink shirt walks in, because she pokes me and makes my legs hurt.

Look at me! I can stand up by the coffee table and stay there for a really long time if I hold on. Sometimes I fall and flop downon my booty, but I'm taller than the table and can see over it when I stand up. Yippee!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Too Much Beach

After two full days at the beach, I was too pooped to party. I covered my face with my Mikey and was out like a light!

Grand Isle, Cont.

But then the waves got big and it was loud, so I got scared and didn't want to play in the water anymore...

Grand Isle Trip

My mommy and daddy took me to the beach with lots of our friends, and it was lots of fun, in the beginning...

Food Artist

I've been trying to feed myself baby food here lately, but it's more fun to play with than eat. I think I'll be a food artist when I grow up. Check out my most recent masterpiece!

Center of Attention

As most of you know, I'm the cutest one in our family, so I always end up being the center of attention (even while celbrating my daddy's birthday). I was on the table trying to get to the cake. My daddy let me have some of his piece, and boy was it good. It was WAY better than the carrots I eat (his cake was made from carrots, too).

I'm a BIG FISH Now...

I love taking a bath so much, and now I don't need my bear mat. I can swim like a big fish in the tub now, and boy is it fun. Check me out!

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Different Look

I thought my blog here was looking a little tired, so I asked my DaDa to spice it up a bit. Let me know what you think. (I think he did a good job.) OH, and pictures will be coming soon from my trip to the beach and lots of other fun stuff I've been up to!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

More pictures

Great Pictures

While we were in Ruston moving my Uncle Todd and Auntie Meg into college, we visited some friends of my mommy and daddy. They have a dog named Freckles, and we were talking and laughing a lot. Plus, this nice lady naved Ms. Devon took some pictures of me, and boy did they come out great! Check them out...

Three Teeth

Look everybody, I have another tooth, and it feels weird in my mouth. That is why I keep feeling it with my tongue. I've been sticking it out for 2 days straight now. How neat is that!?

How Does This Work?

Daddy, how does this thing work? I'm always turning it over to see how it works, how it knows the alphabet, but I can't figure it out. Could you help me!?