Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Another First

I have hit another "first" milestone. This time, it is the first time to eat dirt. My daddy took me to the Oak Alley craft show, and while we were taking pictures by these HUGE trees, I found some neat leaves and dirt that I could reach and eat. It tasted pretty good to me, but daddy freaked out and started digging it all out of my mouth. How rude! Anyway, I let him know how upset I was with him by crying real loud for a few minutes. But then he let me drive the golf cart with Ms. Donna, so I got over it!

Happy Halloween

The Castleberry Cajun Cafe would like to wish everyone a Happy Halloween! Now you know that's the cutest little crawfish on the planet, right!?

Diaper Farmer

My "grandma" Judy told me I looked like a farmer the other day, and my daddy agreed. Plus, I found a box of diapers all for me, and I was trying to get them out of the box. I guess you could say I was a diaper farmer that day...

Autumn Pictures

My mommy and daddy took me to this fun place with all these pumpkins. There were pumpkins EVERYWHERE, and boy was I having fun touching them all. Of course, I had to pose for pictures, but they turned out nice. Happy Fall everyone!


After breakfast the other day, me and Roux were playing at the window, like we do every morning. We love to look outside.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

How 'Bout Them Dawgs!?

This weekend we went up to Ruston where we tailgated again. But this time it was for LA Tech, where my mommy and daddy went to school. I got to meet a lot of fun people and see some friendly faces. PLUS, there were babies around my age to hang out with!

I love Mrs. Stephanie. She's so nice!

This is Abby (I think she's cute) and her mommy Mrs. Amy.

The men!

Boy was I pooped after all that fun!

Second Wind! I love my "Uncle" Duke, too!

More Tailgating Pics

Me and my Uncle Todd always have a few good laughs!

Ooh, Mr. Bill's Pastalaya was good! I'm stuffed!

Me and my Daddy love to make funny faces together!

Learnin' to Tailgate

My mommy and daddy took me to LSU to tailgate for the Florida game with a bunch of their friends. It was so much fun. I know I'll be doing this for the rest of life! Check it out.

"You talkin to me?"

Me and Cadoo playing...

I PROMISE it's empty!

And I PROMISE I didn't empty it! (looks can be deceiving)

Fun & Games

Here's what a typical afternoon with me and Roux looks like. We play around on the floor and talk to each other, laugh and play chase. We're best buds!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

My New Friend!

We just got a puppy, and I think she is so cool. She's gonna be my new best friend. We're gonna play together, and wrestle on the floor, and laugh. Oh, I can't wait until she gets a little bigger, like me!

Another BABY!?

Well guys, it looks like our little family is growing again! We never dreamed it would happen this fast, but Mabel and I decided now would be the best time, and Parker would be able to grow up in a more loving environment (and learn to share, play well with others, etc.).

So I'm sure you can gather what I'm trying to tell ya...

Below is the very first picture of our little baby girl!

Sorry for the little joke, but I couldn't resist! NO, we're not pregnant. We just got a puppy! An adorable chocolate lab puppy girl we've named Mocha Roux (we're gonna call her Roux).

Monday, October 1, 2007

Who's Up for Peek-A-Boo

Me and my daddy always play peek-a-boo in the car on the way to school. It is so funny. I just crack up every day. This time he caught me with the camera while we were stopped at the red light. I promise ya, these baby blues are real lady-killers!

Toys ROCK!

I love to play with my toys, and I love to play with them ALL at the same time. Toys ROCK! (Oh, and my mommy and daddy think I look like a little man in this shirt. Whatever)

Can I have a moment alone?

My parents are suck dorks. They think it's just hysterical when I need to relieve myself mid-meal. If this look doesn't say, "please leave me alone so I can poop in peace, I don't know what does." Parents. UGH!

How Fun is THIS!?

While my mommy was doing laundry the other day, I had some fun of my own. I crawled over to the basket and tried to jump in, but was having some trouble. So my daddy put me in here and mommy carried me around. It was so much fun. I could see everything! Weeeeeeee...