Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, February 4, 2008

lazy parents!

Sorry it's been so long since you've seen or heard from me, but mommy and daddy have been kind of slacking on the blog thing. I am now almost 14 months old and am still not walking. I don't see why everyone makes such a fuss over it because I think I get around perfectly fine by crawling! My favorite things right now are eating and playing with ALL of my toys. It's so much fun! Here are some pictures of my 1st hair cut. Didn't my Aunt Torri do a great job? I had a lot of fun helping her. Mommy said I was a big boy (whatever that means, I hope she's not calling me fat, I prefer big-boned). Anyway, I gotta go get some more playing in before Mommy puts me to bed. PS Congratulations Aunt Torri and my soon to be Uncle Todd on your engagement!! We love ya'll!