Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Boys Club

Well me and my Daddy sure have fun talking and hanging out. We don't look that much alike (since my skin is dark like mommy), but I have his nose. I love when he comes home at lunch to eat with me! And I'm so excited to hear his voice when he gets home in the evening. I think we're gonna be best buddies!


Anonymous said...

What a crazy club to belong to! I know you guys will have a great time together. He is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations from the Pitre family. We didn't know until we received your email.


Anonymous said...

Trey Castleberry....I just can't believe you're a dad....from "HH picture" to "daddy" ....congrats! Your son is sooooo cute! I hope to see you in 2008! (that'll be 10 years in case you haven't been able to keep count) :0)