Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, December 9, 2006

HELLO Big World!

Well, I didn't really feel like hanging around until December 15th to see what this place is all about, so I decided to make an entrance a week early! I started letting mommy know about 7:00pm on Wednesday, Dec. 6 that I was ready to come on out, so by 8:00, I had broken her water and we were at the hospital. Everything happened so fast, I barely had time to say goodbye to my old home. Can you believe I was born in only 4 hours!? My official time was 12:32am on Thursday, Dec.7, and I weighed in at 7lb., 9.4 oz. and measured 20" long. (Hopefully I'll be taller than my daddy) Look how cute I am and how good my mommy looks only seconds after giving birth! Too bad you can't see my jet black hair and baby blue eyes!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing the precious pictures. He is gorgeous!! Congratulations! I know this will be a very special Christmas! Holly Morella

Anonymous said...

Parker's mom looks great for just giving birth. Looks like everything went well. Wish ya'll the best.

The Pitre Family