Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Growing Like a Weed!

Well I will be 4 months old right before Easter, and everybody keeps telling me I am fat, which I don't appreciate! I like to think of myself as a "healthy, growing young stud!" hahaha... Too bad I was only able to fit this awesome LSU baseball uniform for just a little while, it was too cool! Thanks MawMaw Deb! Of course we've had to abandon the 0-3 month clothes, and I'm thinking the 3-6 month outfits are feeling a little snug, so who knows. I guess mommy will drag me shopping some more. She's always doing that (but daddy does, too, just in cooler stores that smell like wood)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Parker - I am sending you a 6-9 month old LOUISIANA TECH BULLDOGS outfit asap. Make sure you spit up and poop on all the LSU outfits. You will look much thinner in Blue & Red. Purple & Yellow is for girls.

Trey & Mabel - I thought you guys had fallen off the face of the planet.