Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Our Little Catholic

Sorry for the late post, but I've been keeping my folks pretty busy lately. On my mommy's birthday (February 18) I became an official Catholic, meaning I was baptised into the Church. It was really neat. The priest called us all up to the front of the Church, in front of everyone, and poured water on my head. I loved it! It felt just like taking a bath. I even started talking to the priest, which he found amusing (as did the families of the other 5 babies)! Check out this picture of me and my folks, and my parrain and nanny! From left to right are Evan (Mabel's brother), mommy, me, daddy and Janie (Evan's wife).


Anonymous said...

P-Dawg - Congrats on the baptism my brother in Christ. Don't forget to honor thy father and mother.

Anonymous said...

Mabel has a brother??! Dude!