Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, May 3, 2007

I'm A Big Boy Now...

Everybody keeps calling me a big boy (which I know is because I'm a little plump) but also because I'm growing up so fast. This week we hit a few milestones. First, I haven't been sleeping all that well because my gums hurt, and can you believe, my first tooth appeared! It's kind of hard to see in the picture, but it's my bottom left tooth. And mommy says the bottom right one looks like it's going to come out any day now. YIPPEE!!

Also this week, I get to ride around in my big boy stroller, and I can even sit up in it without falling over! I have to get used to this stroller because that's going to be my ride while on vacation next week! I also took my second trip to the Audubon Zoo, but I don't have any pictures yet, so stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

Starting to look like his daddy a lil......... :)

Anonymous said...

He is a super chunk! A little rollie pollie! Pinch pinch!

Anonymous said...

How cute! My daughter is a chunk also, so don't worry about it Parker! Babies are supposed to be roly-poly. Wait till you start walking, you'll slim down. Oh, and Tori got her first 2 bottom teeth recently as well! Awesome!
