Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, June 29, 2007

More Growth Milestones

I keep on growing, and lately I've hit a few fun milestones. I can sit up in chairs on my own (like my fun frog chair) and I'm holding my own bottles. I still love to swing and play and jabber on, of course...

Bathroom Funnies

I love taking a bath, splashing around in the tub and hanging around in my robe after I get out. But the other night, when mommy took me out of the tub, I was in need of some relief. And I found it. Sorry mommy...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day at the Camp

We spent most of Father's Day relaxing at the camp (since Daddy loves to do that). We hung out, boiled crabs, and played with my friends and family. Here are some pictures...

Happy Father's Day

I love my Daddy, and I wished him a Happy Daddy's Day on Sunday. We're playing in the chair with my new funny hat. My pawpaw Duane wears these kinds of hats all the time!

My Great-Great Grandmother

This is Ma-Ma. She's my mommy's daddy's momma's momma. That makes her my great-great grandmother. She's fun to play with! And that's my cousin Cannon next to me. We took this picture on Father's Day!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

My lookalike

Everybody says that I look just like my pawpaw Ray, and you know what, they may be right. Check out the resemblance.


Now that I'm 6 months old, I guess I should tell everyone about some new things I've been up to... I love my baby food so much, and lately I get to eat in the big boy high chair! I think that is so cool. But was I mad at my daddy for making me stop eating to take another picture! Enough already. (Doesn’t this look say it all!?) I’m starting to get the hang of this sitting-up-by-myself thing, but I need something to help prop me up right now. The boppy is good for that, so is my walker, and chair. It won’t be long now, you just watch.

Last of Vacation Pics

The funniest part of vacation was that everyone thought me and my cousin Emma were twins. They must be blind or something, because she’s so much bigger than me. AND my nanny was pushing her and my mommy was pushing me. Twins don’t have different mommies. If I could talk, I would have told them that…

Don’t look at the mountains! They’re just big hills. Check me out! I’m the little handsome one representing my LSU tigers in Tennessee! Tiger bait, tiger bait!! Hahaha…

Vacation Continued more...

Me and my dad had some fun times in the mountains, hiking and looking at the mountains and streams and rocks. I love this carrier, because I get to see everything, just like a big boy. And of course I’m not wearing shoes, because I hate them. I’m not a big fan of socks, either, but I couldn’t really reach my feet to pull them off like I usually do! Here we go with another family picture. I was up for taking this one, though, because hiking is cool! I had so much fun being carried by dad and actually being able to look around! Can you believe we saw bears on 3 separate occasions in the wild!? They were so big and fun to watch. This is a momma bear looking for fish in the stream. Her 3 cubs had walked on a little. I guess they were scared of the people that had gathered around to take pictures, like us!

Vacation Continued...

We had a lot of fun just hanging out at the condo while on vacation, too. Here I am chilling with my pawpaw Duane. He’s a pretty funny guy! Swimming was fun, but I couldn’t really enjoy the water because I’m not sitting up on my own yet. We tried playing in the water park at the property, but the water was too cold. I threw a fit, so we went outside, where it was sunny!

My First Vacation

We went on our first family vacation last month, to Gatlinburg for a week, and my dad is finally getting around to showing ya'll some of the pictures. (I apologize for his taking so long)... ENJOY! Apparently my parents enjoy taking family pictures, but I was more interested in playing with my daddy’s hand. But isn’t my Hawaiian shirt the coolest!? This is the family at Dollywood. I’m the cute one in the middle, in case you didn’t already know that! Hehehe My mommy took this picture of me on the really neat choo-choo train that goes around Dollywood. It was pretty loud, because it runs on steam & coal, but it was lots of fun!