Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Vacation Continued more...

Me and my dad had some fun times in the mountains, hiking and looking at the mountains and streams and rocks. I love this carrier, because I get to see everything, just like a big boy. And of course I’m not wearing shoes, because I hate them. I’m not a big fan of socks, either, but I couldn’t really reach my feet to pull them off like I usually do! Here we go with another family picture. I was up for taking this one, though, because hiking is cool! I had so much fun being carried by dad and actually being able to look around! Can you believe we saw bears on 3 separate occasions in the wild!? They were so big and fun to watch. This is a momma bear looking for fish in the stream. Her 3 cubs had walked on a little. I guess they were scared of the people that had gathered around to take pictures, like us!

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