Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'm a big boy now!

Hey everyone. I know it's been a while since you heard from me, but Daddy got a new job and can't spend his time playing on my blog, so now Mommy has to take over. She's not very good with the technical stuff, though! A lot has been going on, lately! Daddy got free tickets to the SEC Championship game and took Uncle Tony instead of me! But, at least he brought me a present back. While he was gone, me and Mommy caught the virus. It was really scary because I've never been sick before! I think Mommy had it worse than me and we both gave it to Daddy when he came back. That's what he gets for leaving us home! Ha! Ha! On Friday, I officially became a big boy! I finally turned one year old and Mommy and Daddy threw me a party! I got lots of cool stuff and got a cake all to myself to mash up. I have lots of pictures that I will teach Mommy how to post when I have more time, But right now, I have to go check out all my new toys!

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