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Friday, March 28, 2008

Parker Goes Green!

Happy St. Patty's Day all! I love being somewhat Irish, so we decided to deck out in green and play in some clovers. Now that's what my Daddy calls "Ireland meets Redneck." Plus we went out to eat with my parents friends Ben & Erin and Stefani (who were in town to do Patty's NO style) and Tony & Angie. I love the Chimes!

Parker has arrived!
Do you mind, I'm on the phone!?
Will this make me lucky?

1 comment:

The Beasley's said...

Will this make me lucky? ha! That cracked me up! What a big boy these seems unreal he's walking around with all those teeth. My child still hasn't even mastered crawling. She does her weird thing, and it works, but it doesn't look right :-) I'm hoping by her birthday, she'll at least be pulling up on things. I'm not holding my breath, though! Glad ya'll had a great Easter--Parker is so cute!