Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone. More pictures will be coming soon!

still at the bunny hop

there was even an Easter Egg Hunt. Daddy went with me and I found lots of eggs! I even got to eat some of the candy when it was over.

more of the bunny hop

I even got to ride a horse! It was very fun but mommy kept holding me! I had it all under control!

BREC's Bunny Hop

Mommy and Daddy took me to this cool place with lots of animals. This baby chick started crying when I picked him up. I hope I'm not squeezing him too tight!

Friday, February 6, 2009

eating out.

I love going eat out with Mommy and Daddy, especially because Mommy always gets dessert! I love chocolate!

the stick!

I'm not sure what this is about, but Mommy and Daddy were pretty excited. It's just a funny looking stick to me. Oh well, I decided to be nice and let Mommy put it on my blog. Whatever makes her happy.
Cars is my absolute favorite movie! Well, one day we were in ths place called Chackbay and there was Mater on the side of the road! I begged Mommy to take a picture. It was so cool!! I was happier than a tornado in a trailer park!!
Here I am cutting grass with my Daddy. Then we decided to race!

catching up

Mommy and Daddy have been slacking on this but not they have decided to get everyone caught up to speed in my crazy life. Instead of mommy boring you with all that happend after Easter last year, she starting with 2009. Here I am with my Mister Potato Head glasses. I don't know why mom and dad thought this was funny. They both wear glasses. What's the big deal?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

long time no write

Yes, I know its been absolutley forever since we've posted anything on here, but working full time and raising a 2 year old tends to take up most of our time. I promise I'll post some new pictures of Parker very soon! But, in the mean time, if you haven't seem my myspace or facebook, I just wanted to let everyone know that Trey and I are expecting again! We are due Sept 15th and I'm trying my hardest to keep up with this again so that we can post new pictures of the baby when it comes and of stories on how Parker is adjusting to being a big brother!