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Thursday, February 5, 2009

long time no write

Yes, I know its been absolutley forever since we've posted anything on here, but working full time and raising a 2 year old tends to take up most of our time. I promise I'll post some new pictures of Parker very soon! But, in the mean time, if you haven't seem my myspace or facebook, I just wanted to let everyone know that Trey and I are expecting again! We are due Sept 15th and I'm trying my hardest to keep up with this again so that we can post new pictures of the baby when it comes and of stories on how Parker is adjusting to being a big brother!


The Beasley's said...

I am on FB, but I don't think we're "friends" on there. I'll have to look you up! Congratulations to you both :) That is super exciting!

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