Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Another First

I have hit another "first" milestone. This time, it is the first time to eat dirt. My daddy took me to the Oak Alley craft show, and while we were taking pictures by these HUGE trees, I found some neat leaves and dirt that I could reach and eat. It tasted pretty good to me, but daddy freaked out and started digging it all out of my mouth. How rude! Anyway, I let him know how upset I was with him by crying real loud for a few minutes. But then he let me drive the golf cart with Ms. Donna, so I got over it!


Anonymous said...

These are beautiful pics!!

The Beasley's said...

We hope Parker had a fantastic FIRST birthday! We're waiting to see some new pictures. Get it together people :-) We were thinking about ya'll yesterday!